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SFC-ديترويت-حديقة الحيوان-صورة

There is still time to create memories with family fun. And many of the best are free. Make some plans and enjoy!!Explore Detroit’s IslandDesigned by Frederick Law Olmstead, Belle Isle State Park is one of the nation’s great natural treasures. Belle Isle is great for a walk, a family picnic, a fishing expedition, a day on the beach, or a visit to the Nature Conservatory or the Aquarium, and more. Get details on Belle Isle family fun from Metro Parent.Celebrate Detroit Zoo’s 95 YearsOne of the world’s finest zoos is right here in Southeast Michigan. Learn more about what’s happening at the Detroit Zoo.More Festivals & FunSunflower Festival  Aug. 11-13, 2023Michigan Renaissance Festival Aug. 19-Oct. 1, 2023Michigan State Fair  Aug. 31-Sept. 4, 2023Arts, Beats and Eats Sept. 1-4, 2023More Festivals:https://www.metroparent.com/things-to-do/outdoors/summer-festivals-metro-detroit/ Visit Detroit ParksMaybe time to see all of them before school starts? They have lots of free activities

  • Campus Martius
  • Grand Circus
  • Beacon Park
  • Cadillac Square
  • Capitol Park
  • Woodward Esplanade