It has been said that, “Having a place to go is a home. Having someone to love is a family. Having both is a blessing”. Every day at Spaulding for Children, we work to find this blessing for the abused and neglected children we are so proud to work for. 温迪奇妙儿童乐园(WWK) is a program at Spaulding for Children funded by the 戴夫-托马斯收养基金会. The goal of the program is to find adoptive families for the children who have been lingering in the foster care system for years. In order to find these families, WWK Recruiters are given smaller caseloads and the opportunity to truly get to know the children they work with. The concept is simple: if the recruiter is able to really bond with the child, they will be able to find the perfect family for each specific child.
斯蒂芬妮和米兰达, 15 and 17 year old sisters, had been in foster care for three years before they were referred to the WWK program in 2010. They are very sweet and loving girls who have had a turbulent past. Both girls are cognitively impaired and had been waiting to find their forever family for nearly five years. They love being a part of WWK and especially enjoy “girl’s nights” with their recruiter.
On National Adoption Day in November 2011, Stephanie, Miranda, and their recruiter had one of these infamous “girl’s nights”. During the evening, Miranda was raving about one of her teachers. As Miranda beamed with a smile from ear to ear telling stories about her classroom experiences, a light bulb went off! The WWK recruiter searched for the teacher and made contact with him. After careful time and consideration the teacher and his wife decided they wanted to provide a forever family for these teenage girls.
"(《世界人权宣言》) WWK Recruiter worked with the family and the girls over a lengthy visitation period, and in April, 2012 Stephanie and Miranda officially moved into their new home. Throughout the next seven months, the entire family was adequately prepared for adoption. On National Adoption Day in 2012, the adoption was finalized. After the finalization Stephanie and Miranda were told they would be celebrating at Disney Land, where they have dreamed of going since they were little girls!
The family continues to do very well and the bond among the entire family is so strong. Stephanie and Miranda continue to grow and develop more each and every day in their new home.
Spaulding for Children did it again! Stephanie and Miranda are just two of the hundreds of children your donation helps feel better while they wait for their forever family.
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