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Melissa Jenovai, Präsidentin und CEO, Spaulding for Children

Taking a moment to pause and reflect back on the past year is an opportunity to acknowledge how grateful and fortunate I am to be part of Spaulding for Children.There was a point this past October where I was at an event that I first attended within days of starting my new position at the agency. That first time I attended the event, I recalled not knowing many people and feeling overwhelmed by the new title and its responsibilities.

Fast forward one year and I am sitting in that same room. This time when I looked around there were so many familiar faces.

These same faces once were strangers. They became people I had gotten to know throughout the year. And now I see them as colleagues and friends.

I was in awe of all that had changed over the year, and it was wisely pointed out to me, when I shared this observation, that this was due to the relationships forged over the year.

Over this past year we have added new partnerships and new staff, helping to create an agency rich in experience and talent. During each work trip I was in awe of the people I was meeting and had the opportunity to learn about the amazing work of so many different organizations. I also had the chance to meet and get to know some of the remote Spaulding staff in person.

The year was not without challenges, but reflecting on those times is what will help us move forward with success. While I do recall saying that I enjoy problem solving, the range of issues needing resolution has been vast. And to help with many of the issues, I turned to relationships both new and old, for support.

I am grateful for the advice and guidance given by some of my new colleagues and from previous staff at the agency. When people come out of retirement to support the agency, you know it has to be a great place to work!

Looking forward, we begin the year with the start of a new strategic planning process which will help guide our work in the years to come. By reviewing the previous report and outcomes we hope to build on our existing work and ensure we focus on developing goals related to the mission and vision of the agency. We look forward to supporting families with an updated strategic plan because we believe that stronger families build strong communities.

– Melissa Jenovai