Purposeful Parenting Month

Purposful-Parenting-Month illustration

“Purposeful Parenting” encourages active and engaged parenting to build strong families. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services slated July as Purposeful Parenting Month.

One important program area focuses on “The Essentials for Parenting Teens.” This free online resource is designed to support parents and caregivers of youth between the ages of 11 and 17.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reviewed extensive research to identify the best approaches to parenting teens and talked to the experts—both recognized leaders in the parenting field and parents themselves—to create articles, videos, and activities parents and caregivers can use.

Die National Training and Development Curriculum (NTDC) provides information and resources to help foster and adoptive parents build the skills needed to raise a child in their home. Klicken Sie hier für Details.

The CORE-Teen (Critical Ongoing Resource family Education) program helps equip resource parents with necessary and vital skills – and at the “right time” needed – to meet the needs of older youth who have moderate to serious emotional and behavior health challenges. For details, click here.

For additional resources for foster and adoptive parents and foster and adoptive parents with teens, hier klicken.