Spaulding for Children Open House

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In celebration of National Foster Care Month, Spaulding for Children will host an Open House to invite our current families as well as new ones to come and learn about new resources offered to foster families.

The Open House will feature exhibitors such as Illuminate-ABA Therapy ServicesWayne BabiesThe Downriver Foster Closet, and other organizations. Families will have an opportunity to bring in new families and introduce them to foster parenting, as well as a chance to win a raffle basket. The Open House will be held May 24, 2023, from 4-7 p.m. ET at Spaulding’s offices at 16250 Northland Drive, Suite 120, Southfield, Michigan 48075. For more information, please contact Stacey Oakes at (248) 443-0300, ext. 235.