Nouvelles du conseil d'administration de Spaulding for Children


Spaulding’s Board of Directors held their 1st Quarter Meeting on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. Here are some highlights from the meeting.Bradley DeVries, Managing Principal from Yeo & Yeo, Certified Public Accountants, reported that our net percentage of funding going to our programs increased from 88% to 89% in 2023.Among other topics, the Board approved our new Mission and Vision statements, which was a project we undertook at the end of last year under the guidance of MPHI Consultants. We are proud to share our metrics and measures for success in our Annual Report with you here.

New Vision Statement Updated

Spaulding for Children envisage que tous les enfants et les jeunes aient un sentiment d'appartenance et vivent dans un environnement sûr et stable, avec l'aide dont ils ont besoin pour s'épanouir dans la vie.

New Mission Statement Updated

En partenariat avec diverses communautés, la mission de Spaulding for Children est de développer et d'intégrer des programmes révolutionnaires et novateurs qui apportent aux familles le soutien nécessaire pour améliorer la prise en charge des enfants et des jeunes dans un souci de permanence.

2023 Report Cover

Spaulding 2023 Report to Our Community

Finally, we would like to share our 2023 Report to Our Community. We are proud of the many accomplishments and look forward to another great year.

Visitez notre Reports Page, to find our Annual Reports from 2023 to 2016, click here.

Read and download a copy of our 2023 Report to Our Community.

Kristi D. Plain
Board Chair, Spaulding for Children