This two-day train the trainer session will train agency workers to implement the entire Family Bound Curriculum. The curriculum contains nine psycho-educationally based sessions that explore the issues involved in preparing youth to successfully transition (or re-transition) into a family. It provides tools to help workers prepare adolescents and teens to meet the challenges they face in their search for permanency. Participants will have an opportunity to experience the tools and techniques presented in the training.
- Understand the philosophy of Family Bound
- Understand the issues involved in preparing youth to successfully transition into a family
- Understand the process of attachment for the adolescent as it differs from the process of younger children
- Understand the importance of relationship building using the nine session group format
- Explore the different dynamics that occur in adolescent placements which places different demands on parental figures
- Explore the procedures and supports that allow permanency planning to succeed
- Understand how to plan and set up the group sessions