Trauma Informed Care is an evidence-based treatment framework that takes into account the physical, psychological and emotional background of children. Understanding what a child has experienced helps determine the best course of action when making decisions that can impact the child throughout adulthood.
Helping spread the word about TIC and implement the latest in treatment and care nationwide is the National Quality Improvement Center for Adoption and Guardianship Support (QIC-AG). The 5-year program is designed to develop evidence-based models of support and interventions, which can be replicated or adapted in other child welfare systems to achieve long term, stable permanency in adoptive and guardianship homes for waiting children as well as children and families after adoption or guardianship has been finalized.
The QIC-AG work is funded through a cooperative agreement with the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children’s Bureau. The partnership includes SFC, The University of Texas, Austin, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee and University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. To learn more about QIC-AG, click here.