Updates from National Center for Enhanced Post-Adoption Support

DaJari Patterson the Director of the Post Adoption Center Repository Program.

Journalist Jennifer Brookland reported in her article that Spaulding for Children was recently awarded a $20 million cooperative agreement to launch the National Center for Enhanced Post-Adoption Support. The center will help build evidence-based post-permanency services in 25 jurisdictions in the U.S. It will help bridge the gap between what child welfare agencies provide and what families need.”

DaJari Patterson (photo above) is the Director of the Post Adoption Center Repository Program. Ms. Patterson reports that initial interest across the nation is strong. Since the program was announced in February, 14 states have reached out to learn more about the unique services.

States, Tribal Nations, and Territories who agree to receive on-site technical assistance with the Center will receive 18 months of support services free of charge. These services include a comprehensive assessment and report, and assistance in developing their individual site-specific Action Plan.

The Action Plan identifies the goals needed along with the level of resources required to support them. Once the Action Plan is confirmed, Center team members return to the site to assist in its implementation.

“This work is so important because adoption is a lifelong journey,” Ms. Patterson said. “When challenges arrive after finalization, adoptive parents may not feel adequately prepared, or years may have passed since they were in touch with the professionals who helped them originally. When they need the help the most, they may feel unsupported and unsure of where to turn. And unfortunately, the child could end up back in care. The bottom line is that post-permanency services are critical to the stability of adoptive and guardianship families.”