Spaulding for Children has a rich history of responding logically and creatively to gaps in services and the unmet needs of children, families and communities. The development of The Spaulding Institute for Family and Community Development was a natural and logical extension of this history and visionary thinking.

During the last decade, Spaulding for Children has expanded its outreach throughout the nation by developing and providing state of the art training programs and products addressing the adoption of children from the public child welfare system, cultural competency, and permanency and post permanency services. The Institute plans to continue expanding its capacity to reach an even larger audience through:

1) Innovative partnerships and collaborations
2) Development of products that reach diverse communities
3) The utilization of creative venues for disseminating information

The Institute will continue and expand its use of technology to deliver services and distribute products including the use of interactive capability such as Web-based training, live streaming, e-books, and social media venues.

Schedule a Training Seminar

If your organization is interested in scheduling a training seminar, call Kris Henneman at 248.443.0300.


For more information or to refer someone to the program see contact information and form below:

Kris Henneman
Vice President
Phone: 248 443 0300 x290
Fax: 248 443 7099