CORE: Teen – A Foster/Adoptive Training Solution to Promote Stability and Permanency for Adolescents in Foster Care

These eight studies expanded the understanding of current literature on methods to promote stability and permanency for children and youth in foster care. These articles provide a foundation for building future trainings for resource parents. Using a variety of methodological approaches, the authors discuss recommended training approaches. The authors also examined the competencies, characteristics, knowledge, skills and abilities associated with successful resource parents. Suggested training approaches include using an interactive model and including instructors who have experience with the child welfare system (such as foster parents or teens in foster care). The authors recommended that trainings focus on competencies, which include (but are not limited to) trauma-informed parenting, building a trusting relationship with youth, and helping youth maintain a connection with their biological family.

Below are links to the 8 studies.

Journal of Public Child Welfare – Maximizing the success of resource parents who care for adolescents: training recommendations from caregivers and child welfare professionals

Children and Youth Services Review – Identifying the essential competencies for resource parents to promote permanency and well-being of adolescents in care

Children and Youth Services Review  – Key factors and characteristics of successful resource parents who care for older youth: A systematic review of research

Journal of Public Child Welfare:  Development and Validation of a self-assessment tool to assess resource parents’ personal attributes, knowledge, attitudes & behaviors around caring for teens; an exploratory study

Effectiveness of Critical Ongoing Resource Family Education (CORE-Teen); Support for Resource Parents of Teens who are American Indian

Children & Youth Services Review:  Equipping Resource Parents with the knowledge and attributes to effectively parent teens:  Results from the CORE Teen training program

Journal of Public Child Welfare: Bringing Fidelity monitoring to child welfare:  Lessons Learned from the CORE Teen Resource Parent Training

Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal – CORE Teen: Impact of an Adolescent‑Focused Parent Training – Curriculum on Foster Parent Perceptions of Preparedness to Foster Teens


For more information, please contact

Sue Cohick,
Core Teen Project Director