This one to two day training will put forth an ecological, child-focused practice model that can help adoption workers prepare children from the child welfare system for the challenges they will face in the future. Participants will be given the opportunity for hands-on experience with the tools and techniques presented in the training.
- Know the role and responsibility of the practitioner in child preparation and assessment
- Know how to prepare the child for media exposure, open adoption issues and leaving
- Helping children to disengage, grieve and attach to a “new “family
- Understand how the child disability may impact this process
- Supporting the child through the waiting process
- Know specialized interviewing, assessment and casework strategies that are effective with children and adolescents, including lifebook, video technology, stories and play
- Be able to assess the readiness for adoption
- Know developmental stages of children and the ability to assess the child’s current level of functioning and the effects of placement on growth and development
- Determine the services needed by the child, regardless of the family selected
- Know how to help resource families develop appropriate expectations for children