Guardianship Fact Sheet for Social Service Providers
The QIC-AG has developed a new fact sheet as a part of our “Ask About” series. Ask About Guardianship is designed to help social service professionals to better serve guardianship families by providing insight into the dynamics of the family’s permanent relationships, factors that influenced decision-making in choosing the guardianship option, and how those decisions might affect the family’s current situation. The fact sheet provides concrete tips on how professionals can effectively support these children and families. It can also be used by guardians as a tool for engaging social service providers. Click on the link below to download the PDF: Ask About Guardianship
What Teachers should Know about Adoption
The QIC-AG has developed this fact sheet about adoption tailored for teachers. This fact sheet is designed to raise awareness about the unique needs of children who have been adopted, and to provide concrete tips on how these professionals can effectively work with these children. It can also be used by adoptive parents as tools for engaging their child’s teachers. Click on the link below to download the PDF: Ask About Adoption: Teachers Edition
Heather Forbes, LCSW discusses the importance of creating trauma informed schools. She also shares strategies that educators can employ to create a classroom culture that promotes a physically and psychologically safe environment that helps all children achieve academic success.
What Pediatric Health Providers Should Know About Adoption
The QIC-AG has developed this fact sheet about adoption tailored for health care providers. This fact sheet is designed to raise awareness about the unique needs of children who have been adopted, and to provide concrete tips on how these professionals can effectively work with these children. It can also be used by adoptive parents as tools for engaging their child’s health care provider. Click on the link below to download the PDF: Ask About Adoption: Pediatric Health Care Providers Edition
Dr. Veenod Chulani discusses the importance of creating an adoption competent network of medical providers. He shares strategies that child welfare and medical providers can employ to promote relationships that support families who have adopted children.