In order to understand existing information on adoption discontinuity, the QIC-AG completed a literature review to provide information to its partner sites and the general public. The purpose of this literature review was to understand the risk factors that lead to discontinuity in adoption and guardianship to guide current and future interventions for families formed by adoption and guardianship.
Click here to view the Literature Review: Risk & Protective Factors for Discontinuity in Public Adoption and Guardianship
The literature review only includes articles most relevant to the specific topic of Risk & Protective Factors for Discontinuity in Public Adoption and Guardianship. We are also pleased to share with you a more comprehensive list of citations that are relevant to the QIC-AG target populations. The citations are organized into topics. The citation list was last updated in 2016.
Click here to view the citation list: Literature Related to Adoption and Guardianship, Permanence, and Well-Being