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National Reunification Month recognizes the people and ongoing efforts around the country that help families stay together. Observed annually in June, it is also a time to recommit to strengthening, improving and increasing those efforts all year long.

This June, we profile Emilie Edinger, a young mother of three who successfully had been reunified with her children. She credits Spaulding for Children for helping her in the reunification journey.

What was your reunification journey and how long did it take?

My reunification journey took about a year. I lost custody around March of 2023; I ended up getting full custody of my kids back February 2024. I had an amazing case worker Alexis Wark! She helped me fight to get my kids back, she helped me find all the resources I needed to finish my parent treatment plan!

What were the biggest challenges you faced?

The biggest challenge I faced was losing custody. But I felt like in the beginning that the court was completely against me. Losing custody was the scariest thing I have ever been through. It took two or three court dates to feel like things were going forward and for things to start looking like they could go in the right direction. I wasn’t allowed to live with my kids for quite a while, which is obviously extremely hard because I had never been apart from my kids before. I was only allowed to see them 6 hours a week I think in the beginning which hurt me bad because I was away from my kids and missing their firsts and just that quality bonding time.

How was Spaulding helpful to you?

Spaulding was helpful for me in every way possible! My case worker, Alexis, helped me with everything. She helped me find where to go for all of the evaluations I needed and my parenting class. She helped me get custody of my three kids back! I couldn’t imagine a better worker than her. Spaulding also helped get necessities for my kids when we didn’t have them!

What do you wish you knew in advance?

In the beginning I probably wish I knew that things always get better! I was told that multiple times, but I never believed it. Things were hard in the beginning. But it got better, and my kids are getting all the help they need after my case has closed!

Spaulding is there to help parents and kids benefit and get help!