Về việc nhận con nuôi

Spaulding for Children believes that there is no such thing as an unadoptable child. We are a private, non-profit adoption agency committed to finding families to adopt children that are placed in the child welfare system including older children, children of color, brothers and sisters that need a home together, and children with disabilities or challenges. Spaulding for Children believes that families are resources and does not charge families any fees for adoption services. Services provided to families include matching, placement, case management, home based visitation, education and training, support groups, information and referral, and opportunities to participate in Agency sponsored activities.

Liên hệ

For more information or to refer someone to the program see contact information and form below:

Amanda Marentette MS
Giám sát viên IPP
Văn phòng: 248-443-0300 máy lẻ. 247
Fax: 248-443-2845
E-mail:  AMarentette@spaulding.org