About The Center
The National Center for Enhanced Post-Adoption Support is a five-year, cooperative agreement funded by the Children’s Bureau of the Administration on Children & Families (ACF), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) beginning in October 2023. The National Center will be pivotal to bridging the gap of equipping child welfare agencies with the tools and knowledge necessary to meet the needs of children and families who have achieved permanency through adoption or guardianship. The Center will serve as a hub for post-adoption expertise and evidence-informed training and technical assistance to support states, tribal nations and territories (STTs) as they develop and implement community responsive, comprehensive and accessible post-adoption services.
The Center will provide the following services:
- Be a hub for providing evidence-informed technical assistance to help build the capacity of STTs as they develop and deliver comprehensive post-permanency programs for families and children who have achieved adoption or guardianship.
- Provide on-site technical assistance to help STTs develop, implement and assure sustainability of comprehensive, intensive post-permanency services.
- House a comprehensive repository of knowledge and best practices that is accessible to all STTs.
The Center will unveil the repository in January of 2024. Site selection for intensive, on-site technical assistance will begin in March 2024. Five STTs will be selected for intensive technical assistance in 2024; an additional five STTs will be selected for it every year through grant end.