Two kids and a parent

We Love Our Foster Families

We asked some of our foster parents to share some facts about their families. Foster families are all different. However, they all have the one necessary ingredient for a great home – LOVE. Fun fact: my kids are 6 years apart and both…
A conversation about Foster Care | Spaulding for Children

A Conversation About Foster Care

Chloe Cranmer, an 8th grade student at Kent Place School in Summit, New Jersey, reached out to us for her history class. Chloe and her classmates were asked to do research and take civic action around a major issue of their choice.Chloe chose…
Spaulding for Children Open House Banner

Spaulding for Children Open House

In celebration of National Foster Care Month, Spaulding for Children will host an Open House to invite our current families as well as new ones to come and learn about new resources offered to foster families. The Open House will feature…
Angela Stewart, Supervisor of Healthy Families America Wayne Family First Prevention Service Act Program for Wayne County

Support and Prevention Keep Families Safe – and Together

Thanks to Healthy Families America Wayne and the expansion to include the Family First Prevention Service Act in 2021, more families can get support with parenting and other resources. And that has shown to reduce child abuse and neglect.…
During the month of April, we recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month (NCAPM)

In April We Recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month

During the month of April, we recognize National Child Abuse Prevention Month (NCAPM) and the importance of communities working together to help families thrive and prevent child maltreatment.Throughout the year, communities are encouraged…
Marcia Cipriani | Spaulding for Children

Spaulding for Children and Marcia Cipriani

In the work life of a video producer, one client can change everything, even a career path. Case in point: Spaulding for Children and Marcia Cipriani.“Some projects change the business and some projects change you,” Ms. Cipriani said. “For…
Dr. Sharonlyn Harrison | Spaulding for Children

The Measures of Success – Dr. Sharonlyn Harrison

About two decades ago, Spaulding’s then CEO Addie Williams wanted to improve how the Agency measures and records the success of its programs and the effectiveness of its services.So, Ms. Williams turned to Dr. Sharonlyn Harrison, who then…
Father holding his baby son on his shoulders

Begin Your Your Jorney and Become a Foster Parent by Using the Michigan Foster Care Portal

The Michigan Foster Care Portal (MFCP) is a one stop shop to begin the licensing process. This will support an increase in the timeliness of licensure. As prospective foster parents’ complete steps in the MFCP, the portal tracks…
Spaulding for Children Newsletter August 2022